Ghost Lance is a Special Ops group of highly skilled warriors who play MechWarrior Online, Star Citizen, OverWatch and other online games. An un-official company of Deaths Hand Brigade’s Unit, we are unknown through-out the inner sphere and have been disavowed by Colonel Havoc of DHB. The official stance of DHB is that we have not, do not, and never will exist within their ranks.
The truth is a bit more nuanced. According to un-confirmed sources, most of the members of Ghost Lance either have been, or currently are, active members of DHB themselves. And, while it may be true that Ghost Lance operates outside of the prevue of DHB, it’s leader Dark Marauder, is reportedly a Lieutenant within the Deaths Hand Brigade!
Other sources have reported frequent, if brief sightings of a black Ops unit that seems to match the description of Ghost Lance on the battle field, including random quick drop missions and even prolonged pitched battles for planetary resources.
Some intel suggests that Dark Marauder is also the author of a highly classified publication, the Essential Streaming Guide that according to rumor, contains everything a warrior or enemy might want to know about setting up their on ComStar battle stream on popular ComStar Hyper Pulse Relay Channels such as Twitch.Star and YouStar. This intel is covered in detail by clicking on the Streaming Guild link above.
In any case, whether officially or covertly, it seems clear that Ghost Lance is in fact active and being used by the Deaths Hand to fulfill contracts that it deems too risky or too politically controversial for them to be associated with.
If you are looking for adventure of the more than dangerous kind, you might quietly inquire about dropping with Ghost Lance to see if they and their allegedly parent unit are a place that you can call home.
More information is available online at but you won’t find any information about Ghost Lance there for obvious reasons.
== ComStar Message Intercept ==
== Top Secret – EYES ONLY – ==
To: Precentor Voldimer Windmoor,
ComStar Adept and Intel/Signal Division.
Begin: ComStar agents have discovered and tapped
into secret live stream and recorded broadcasts:
Ghost Lance Drop Missions:
YouTube: Dark Marauder’s MechWarrior Online
DHB and what appears to be an active Ghost Lance Coms feed have been monitored on these ComStar Hyper Pulse Generator Channels:
TeamSpeak Address:
== End Transmission ==